Friday, April 07, 2006

I would like to take this oppertunity to thank colin for sending me the first 15 episodes of lost season 2. Season 2 is even more rediculous than season 1 and I cant get enough of it. how can any show get away with having the countown timer in the hatch? They have basically introduced a mostly unexplained random mechanism of infinite cliffhangers and we love them for it. honestly so far i have gone through 3 cliffhangers involving the stupid countdown thing and if that number hits 15 i am no longer watching lost you heard it here first. i would talk more about lost but there is literally nothing you could possibly say about the show that hasnt been covered on one of the 400 internet lost forums.

I have to switch things up by going to the duke of york to meet ben on my only day off this month. if i have time after the bar i will share with you my morning that featured a 45 year old vietnamese lady seeing my penis.

thanks again colin

also thank you bridgett for the 6 completly unnessessary ounces of delicous jamesons irish whisky last night that are at 12:30am still ruining my day through hangover.


Anonymous said...

Hey Luke, why don't you ever mention trin in your sweet blog. don't you love us?

Anonymous said...

Why is it everytime I hear a James Blunt song I think Luke should be signing it?