Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hey its been a while.

I promised last time that I would explain why I showed a 45 year old Vietnamese lady my penis so I will but it is kind of a letdown.

Anyway I like to wear cargo shorts in the summer because they are cool and they have those pockets in the side that you can put stuff in. The best way to go is to buy some cheap cargo pants in Kensington and then just cut them off to spec. which is what I did but then the legs were too wide so I had to get them tapered.
The Vietnamese drycleaners/alterations place right by my house (actually Korean - thanks Joan) came highly recommended by my roommate Julian so I took them there and they agreed to taper the legs and hem them and raise the crotch rise for only $55 pre-tax (suckers!).
I was pretty pleased except the thing is that they are really busy (obviously with such economical prices) so when I dropped in a week later on the way to do laundry she still wasn't done however she had cut the legs and asked me if I wouldn't mind trying them on except really she more indicated to me to try them on because her (and her husband was there too) have more of a working command of english so it was kind of them pointing at the shorts and saying "try on".
In hindsite this is were I could have been more intuitive but I am standing there at the counter and it is really just a 3 foot storefront area, the counter (with my shorts sitting there waiting to be tried on), and the back which is basically just one of those spinny things with all the drycleaning hanging alphabetically and I just kind of came to the conclusion that I was probably supposed to try them on right there where I was standing and that maybe in Vietnam (actually Korea) space is at a premium and so people (and quite practically so) just try things on wherever.
In fact I was pretty sure that by pausing to consider where I should be trying them on I was insulting their business and by extension their culture so I quickly took off my pants to avoid further embarrassment for all involved.

Or I should say I started to take off my pants and instantly realized my error. If I hadn't instantly realized my error the fact that both my tailor and her husband were pointing to the back saying "changeroom, changeroom!" would have clued me in also.

If you are reading this right now go ahead and try to make a "not that I thought that Vietnamese(Korean) people don't have changerooms" facial expression.
it is somewhere in and around apologetic but also you need a good portion of breeziness like "of course changeroom I will be right over... Oh did I have my pants down I hadn't noticed"
anyway I don't think I nailed it.


A: I was hoping to leave that out
as some of the more astute readers will remember I was only at the dry cleaners because it is on the way to do laundry which infers that I needed clean clothes which in turn suggests that I wasn't wearing my first choice of underwear. IN FACT I was wearing my least favorite pair of underwear. I think I have had them since I was 22 when somebody gave them to me for Christmas, they have one of those elastic band joe boxer things and are ocean blue with snowflakes on them but most topically they have one of those slits in the front that no one ever uses.

I initially didn't realize my penis was actually hanging out when my pants were down but it was because when I went to pull my pants up it was right there. For second I considered pausing pulling up my pants to stuff my penis back inside my underwear but in the end I felt that just would have drawn more attention to the fact that my penis was out and it was less awkward for everyone if I just pretended I didn't notice. In retrospect I think I made the right decision.
they did a great job on the shorts by the way


Anonymous said...

You have a refreshing sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

That first comment is more like a fortune cookie than a blog comment.

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I LOL'd with lots of love.

Excellent blog job,

Andrea Nicole Buller