Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hey everyone

I know it has been a while but I promise as soon as I buy a laptop I will be posted insightfully blog entries all the time.

I just wanted to share with you that you should all go out and see "The Descent" while it is still in theaters. I saw it by accident on Monday and I am still disturbed. The Descent is easily the scariest movie I have seen in years although I haven't been watching a lot of horror movies lately. It is also pretty disgusting.

I wouldn't even call it scary or disgusting as an overriding descriptor as much as I would use the word "unpleasant" as in "the constant claustrophobic tension was really unpleasant".

in fact if I was a movie reviewer my one line movie review would go something like this (mild spoiler alert)

"The Descent starts with a 7 year old girl getting her head impaled accidentally with a flying copper pipe and then becomes PROGRESSIVELY LESS PLEASANT"

that is pretty good I should be a movie reviewer.

more coming

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