Monday, April 03, 2006

hi everyone

i know i havent posted anything in over a week.
it seems i was waiting for something even remotly new or exciting to happen but in the interest of avoiding death rumors i will go ahead anyway catagorically...

Work: people have been tipping really well lately so on behalf of all servers I would like to thank toronto collectivly for getting your act together. i am working a lot this week which is cutting into my time as one of toronto's premier new playwrites.

man that sounds awesome! i might actually write a play just so i can say that to people. not just girls either I think anyone would be impressed. try this on....

guest: your service was acceptable despite you clearly dealing with a crippling hangover, in the interest of making brief convesation, what do you do besides this?

Luke: oh well i am primarily a playwrite but i do find time to serve a few tables just to keep social. you know us ruggedly deshevelled romatic artist types, we need somthing like this to keep us grounded.

guest: you spelled the word something wrong, i mean um i am very impressed/romantically intrigued if i am a girl by your status a comparitivly young playwrite

Luke: oh did I mention to you that I was a playwrite? sorry, i am a little distracted, i am actually writing a play in my head right now

uest: that would explain why my bill is all fucked up.

Luke: no that is the hangover

other worklike responsibilities:

parently i need to get my health card renewed, i will probably push that to tomorrow when i also am going to get my passport shit done and do my taxes, this should prove to be a busy day.

Trivia will start again in late april or early may I am not sure


ell i dont seem to have cancer of anything right now so that is good. my lower back/ass on the left side is killing me for some unknown reason making it potentially dificult to serve tables tonight. most people are sugesting that I slept on it wrong completly discounting the possibility that there is a massive back tumor pushing my spinal column out of line.


you ever wonder if your best years are behind you? like mabye the time of you being young and interesting to girls is over and you should just latch on to anyone in the hopes of oneday having a family and duel-income fuelled home ownership? mabye somthing about you has changed that is almost impercievable to you or anyone around you except for this is the one thing that has attracted girls to you in the past despite your obvious boyish flaws and vices.
now mabye this one thing- small as it might be- is gone and if you had paid attn while you had it mabye you could try to get it back but you were too busy squandering your protracted youth, being carless with other peoples hearts, pretending that time stands still .

in short i am not dating right now.


appy 30th Chad
good luck to dan and kristy in your new positions

Bike Hunt

still dont have a bike. I now want, no demand, I demand a cool fixed gear bike like the couriers have. craigslist has as of yet been no help at all.

i have to go and pick up my cargo shorts from the alteration place. another great day is streched out before me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"are you aware, fair waiter, that for this entire dialogue, you have been spelling playwright incorrectly? how does one expect to impress the ladies when one can't even spell one's own (perceived) occupation?"

(guest looks haughtily at the waiter, waiter looks downcast, wondering if this could be the beginning of bad tip season)