Thursday, March 16, 2006

i dont have a bike yet so i have to walk to basketball like a loser
i know i said i would have a bike by now but my friend barbara who used to work in a bike store has agreed to go with me on saturday afternoon.
it is worth the wait because barbara knows more about bikes than i do and so far she is suggesting that i can get a servicable city use bike for well below my budget minimum of $2500.

tomorrow is st patricks day and i am going to work a conservative 12 hour shift pushing guiness not to mention the 2hours it will take to make the balloon tower and the 15min to make my st patricks day pen tatoo. needless to say i have been even more career oriented that usual.

it will be busy this year so join us at the D*ke early and proberly celebrate st patrick by getting drunk as crap.


Anonymous said...

must be one h*ll of a hangover

Anonymous said...

What happened to Fry?