Monday, March 13, 2006

hi everyone

I have today off work so that is exciting.
i think i am going to go shopping and then go play basketball although it is looking more like i am just going to go and play basketball
hopefully i kick a lot of ass tonight but following the samari proverb about the arrow that is not aimed i am going to immerse myself in the process of kicking a lot of ass and let the results happen naturally.
i think after i am going to go visit my old manager who is now managing a keg downtown but this plan can be changed pretty easily.

i have to go now but before i do let me give you all the first official reminder that friday is st patricks day and it is going to be awesome and tanked up this year in a way that other st patricks day's can only have dreamed of. I will be working but i am still excited.
come to the duck early because it will be packed. also look to the sky for the balloon tower i am going to make in honor of st patrick who drove the snakes out of ireland and also ask to see my annual st patricks day pen tatoo.

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