Wednesday, March 08, 2006

wow i am hung over even by my standards

i know i have talked extensivly in this forum about reducing my binge drinking but Dan Stevenson is only going to turn 30 once and i for one made sure i celebrated appropriatly.
i have to work tonight so that is awesome
i took an elbow in the eye yesterday playing basketball and it doesnt look like a cool black eye today so you can guess that i am pretty disapointed about that.

i still have a big thing on my face. if it is there for much longer i am going to have to give it a name.

top names for thing on face

1. jacknife: if i could choose my name this would a contender so I can assume that the thing on my face (which suprisingly has not yet gained the power of speech) would approve
2. you know what this is stupid

I have to get ready for work

tomorrow: exciting lunch with erica plus trip to the docter to talk about sleep medication