Happy 30th Birthday Dan Stevenson and Happy 31st Kim Driscoll
I guess also happy belated 30th Adam Tomilinson and belated 30th Rob Pierce!!
Wow all these people turning 30. I remember turning 30 like it was yesterday but now that is all behind us and I am on a crash course with 31. 31 31 313113313313131313131311111333131313 31313131313 31
its cool, im not going to freak out like when I turned 30 im just saying that all these people turning 30 is reminding me that I am now older than people who are merely turning 30. These incredibly old birthday people are somehow younger than me and have an entire year basically for free before they have to worry about the 31 shit i am going through. At least I accomplished a lot in my 30th year.
TOP 30th year Accomplishments!!
i will get back to you
the good news is that I formulated lots of plans for doing stuff which i can then tell people about so that is almost like doing stuff if you eliminate any hint of execution at all.
more good news! if the anonymous commenter from yesterday is correct than I am preparing myself for turning 31 by contracting a skin infection usually only found in filthy children.
more good news! apparently i have reached 31 also without being sure how to spell "annonymous" correctly
i am aware that this is my second agitated post in a row and that is probably because i am a little hung over but it could also be because of the huge thing on my face (which now by the way thanks to my anonymous doctor has achieved somewhat of an air of mystery as to just what it is) who the crap makes medical diagnosis from reading someones blog??? better yet i think they are right so the question becomes "who the crap makes correct medical diagnosis from reading someone's blog???". what insight has my blog provided that my docter missed in the two visits we have had about this thing?
i hope my sister isn't reading this.
i know that you are all excited about what i am going to do today so here is my plan
starting now.
11:38 now
11:43 post blog entry
11:55 eat breakfast yogurt
12:00 go to shoppers drugmart and demand drugs to cure unidentified face problem
1-3:30 play basketball poorly despite new shoes
4:30-5:30 do laundry and try to take down pourhouse megatouch bargame records.
7-10:00 host trivia
10:00- hangout after trivia while drinking responsibly
oooooh exactly like last tuesday!!!!
i have to go now as you can see i have quite the busy day ahead of me and i wouldn't want to be behind schedule before it even starts
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1 comment:
Hi Anonymous Commenter here. I came across your delimia and felt bad for you. My diagnosis was based on experience. Does your Doctor know where you work? I tended bar for many years and and was often rewarded with many odd ailments over the years. I had impetigo 3x's and ring worm twice, the list is too long. Impetigo is highly contagious through direct contact. So if some ass comes in gets his beer scratches the impetigo he got from his kids, drinks his beer puts the empty up, being the dedicated tender you are you replaces his empty with a fresh cold one, unfortunately touching your face before your hands make it into the water, and you have impetigo. Children get it because they play in sandboxes and dirt and such things and then pass toys back and forth. Even the squeaky clean ones get it. At least that is what my Doctor told me. I got the majic cream he scripted that cost me 10 bucks but it went away all three times on the same tube. If all else fails try BLUE STAR, I know a few bartenders that keep it handy all the time for every little spot they find, lolol really I hope it goes away soon, you seem like a decent guy.
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