Saturday, March 04, 2006

i have had cold sores before but never like this and it is freaking disgusting. It honestly looks like I am trying to grow another head out of the side of my face. i am trying to hide at home as much as possible but i now have to go to work.
today i did nothing in hiding
forcast for tomorrow: also nothing
monday?: nothing

how bout tuesday?: i dont freaking know! one of my friends suggested that her cold sores can last up to two weeks
I honestly cannot handle two more weeks of this i dont care how vain i sound i am not rich or interesting I need to be good looking

I am not saying i would rather have sylphalis but at least that doesnt come with disgusting face symptoms.

ok i have to go to work and offput our saturday night crowd.



Anonymous said...

sounds like you might have impetigo, commonly found in children because of how they play but not uncommon amoung those who work in the public sector ie-BARTENDER (that\'s why they make you put that stuff in the rinse water)

Anonymous said...

Today is International Wang Day! Treat a wang as how you would wish to be treated. Go forth in peace my wangers!

Anonymous said...

i wubb u