Monday, February 13, 2006

hey everyone BIG NEWS!!!!!

i got new jeans... they are pretty kick ass

today I have to either work out or take back movies.
The resposible thing would be to take back the movies but with the new lienient blockbuster return policy it just seems like a huge waste of time. It is like they are daring me to just throw all of the blosckbuster movies in a bucket when I am done with them and then take back that bucket every 6 months. The only thing stopping me from enacting this bucket plan is that by not taking back my movies I kind of lose credibiity in complaining about whoever the jagoff is who hasnt returned the episodes 1-3 of LOST dvd.
The rest of season one is just sitting there waiting to provide me with hours of booze free entertainment but I cant rent them yet because I obviosly want to see the entire season in order. Just talking about it makes me almost mad enough to end by desicion curve right now and go take back movies and I would if I hadn't also noticed a disturbing thin layer of disgusting fat around my midsection that jiggles noticicably when I jump up and down so I should probably just let the movies sit there not accumulating late charges while I work out.

how can people not like the olympics? people in the last week have been like "oh i dont really watch the olympics... it doesn't really intrest me'
really? what do they have to do to intrest you? train intesly for 4 years to jump off a giant ramp on skis to see who can travel the farthest??? OH WAIT THEY DO THAT!!!! and a whole lot of other cool crap as well. If my nieghbour trained for 4 years to see how far he or she could throw a tennis ball down spadina I would probably show up to watch them throw it and this is 10000 times cooler than that.


1. ski jump: obviously
2. bobsled: i wish I could have seen the first bobsled track where it was just a guy with a shovel and a hose making an insanly dangerous track down the side of a mountian awesome.
3. speedskating: I like the events where there is a bunch of them on the track at once crashing into each other
4. luge: not as cool as bobsled becuase the pattleing they do at the start is lame compared to the co-ordinated power sprinting they do in bobsled
5. Giant Slalam: this look dangerous as hell
6. Biathlon: only because the next progression of this sport is to give them paintball guns and have 50km races where they can eliminate thier opponents by shooting them like some awesome james bond chase scene


1. ice dance: focusing exclusivly on the crappiest part of figure skating
2. curling: I actually think I would enjoy curling a lot but for olympic purposes Canada vs Finland is slightly less competitive than PEI vs Saskatchewan and I demand to see the best in the world.
3. Biathlon (without paintball)
4. Moguls: is it a race? is it a trick jumping competition? its like if in the middle of the mens 200m dash everyone had to do a cartwheel.

bye everyone, dont forget to make plans for valentines day with that special someone. I will be hosting trivia at the duke so that is pretty romantic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow your blog is very insightfull and not at all poorly spelled. I am also impresses by your keen sense of grammer