Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I hate credit cards they absolutly kill me at work
there are two main ways that the average person well screw you with thier credit cards
(also I am sensitive to the fact that this makes me sound ungratefull)

1. most common way to screw luke and by extension other servers is to be the guy who takes all the cash at the table and then puts the bill on his credit card and then leaves a crappy tip or no tip essentially stealing the tip money generously left by his friends. this is becoming more and more common.

2. also gaining poularity in a way to screw luke and by extension other servers is to give a bunch of cash and then say "oh and put the rest on this card and then only tip on the credit card part. This is popular amoung the semi-tactfull losers becuase it is concievable that a person would do this by accident

the only reason I bring this up is becuase I applied for a credit card the other day at shoppers drug mart and I cant wait for it to arrive.
the only reason I cant wait for it to arrive is so that I can start playing online poker for real money
I am planning to finance my trip to cuba and my I-pod aquisitionn this way. The only downside to this is if I dont in fact win outragous sums of on-line poker money and do in fact lose all my money as a gambling addict than there is a small chance the goverment would apoint my brother to handle my finances.

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