I don't know if I am more bored or restless but I really need a hobby (especially If the bloor cinema is going to crap out by playing the Bourne Supremacy for like the 85th time in a row) when I was unemployed I would utilize my free time by writing blog entries and stuff but now that I work upwards of 30 hours a week sometimes I obviously don't have time for that kind of life commitment.
Please email me your hobby suggestions which I might add should not include things like "taking university courses" or "volunteering somewhere"
Also girls "regularly making out with you" is not a hobby either.
In the interim I will try to revive an old hobby by writing a timeline of my day yesterday which by the way stood out as a pretty boring day even by my standards.
11:45am: good morning!! never too early to start your day especially if you have tons of stuff to do like I do.
11:55am: ok so I have been bleachsolution spraying some of my jeans that I don't wear anymore but so far I haven't been getting any of the desired fading reaction. I either have to increase the amount of bleach (v water) I use in the spray bottle or else spray more actual bleach solution onto the jeans. hmmmmm maybe a little of both.
12:00noon: Laundromat time. I actually like going to the Laundromat now especially since it is pretty close to my place right beside the pour house (a clever play on words there) as well as people's delicious burgers. Today I elect the pour house to spend my waiting time at which is clearly the better choice even though twice as expensive. Today H____ is working who helpfully points out how hungover I look THANKS!! regardless the burger was delicious and also they really went all out on the sub veg (which for you fatasses out there means that you ask for mixed vegetables instead of french fries)
1:00 pm: Laundry is done so lets go to the bank!! this is a depositing day where I take my meager tip money from the duck and put it into a savings account. Today I really stuff the crap out of the envelope and I think that the girl beside me thinks that I am a cocaine dealer. I am secretly pleased by this.
1:15 pm: on to the duke where I have to check my schedule to make sure that I am really off all day and not just imagining things. when I am saying goodbye Barbara confidently suggests that she is in fact going to see me later anyway and I make a note to definitely not go into the duke later.
1:30 pm: drop into Over the Rainbow to get my kick-ass new chip and pepper jeans shortened but they seem to have shrunk appropriately in the wash so I am going to give them a while and may not have to shorten at all. There was a girl there indecisively trying on jeans that looked really good and I was going to tell her to get them but then I thought that might be creepy. When I worked at groovy customers would help each other select shoes all the time but I think it might be different at a jeans store and definitely different for girls in a jeans store where me telling her that a pair of jeans looks nice could be misconstrued as me telling her that I was just leering at her ass for the last 45 seconds which was not that much the case but I still didn't want any confusion so I just left it up to her and the salesperson to make the right purchasing decision.
2:10 pm: H&M is actually not as big as I though it would be but is still pretty big. I would have grabbed some stuff but I was too tired to try it on. The purpose of my trip is too find a black fleece jacket for working when it is cold but the only one they have there is a small and while I like the slender fit this one fits really slender and i feel like the other boys at work might make fun of me.
5:00 pm: ok so we jumped a couple hours there because in retrospect I may not actually have been up before noon and in fact I think that we can probably push this whole timeline back by an hour or so (2 hours) the gist of my day should remain unchanged albeit probably 19% lazier sounding.
5:05 pm: I really have problems making small decisions specifically when it comes to what/where to eat so I am surprised that my careful consideration over the last two hours has now resulted in me eating gross orange chicken from a Chinese takeout at the mall. I should have gone to swiss chalet when I had the chance but I was stupidly holding out for something better than swiss chalet when it is not even clear if that is possible.
5:15 pm: hi erica! for those of you that don't know erica and I have sadly broken up but remain on good terms. She is calling to say hi but also to let me know that she will be at the midtown tonight which either means "why don't you drop by" or "please don't come in super drunk and embarrass me. ok so some of you might have basic questions...
Q: when did you break up?
A: about 5-6 weeks ago
Q: who broke up with who?
A: it was mutual
Q: so she broke up with you then.
A: I am serious we both thought that it was the best thing to do
Q: should we feel bad for Erica
A: NNOOO-ooo erica will be ok and in fact can look forward to meeting a tallish future husband type within the next year and one half.
Q: should we feel bad for luke then? YES BUY ME BEER
5:20: pick up basketball shoes from hart house after deciding that it is not practical to buy second pair of basketball shoes to avoid minor extra walking.
5:40 arrive at harbord collegiate over an hour early because honestly I have been a little concerned with the consistency of my jump shot and I am hoping to do some fine tuning. My Plans are thwarted by a suprisingly entertaining midget girls basketball game which features a huge comeback and several 4th quarter lead changes. Just for the record- and I know that nobody asked- but it is important that it is clear that I didn't find and of the senior girls players who were sitting on the bleachers beside me to be attractive not even the nordic-y blond one who was like 5'11.
7:00 game time and I am somehow rolling with paul sean and jason which means I just kind of have to stay out of the way while hurley bombs threes. We win the first 3 games handily.
8:00 I am in suprisingly good shape but some of the other guys are looking a little heart-attacky my super team has been broken up and the game is kind of going to shit anyway but at least we got a few good games in
9:00 I am clearly too old to play for this long however my jump shot is starting to come around so that is ok.
10:00 I walk home stopping to eat at the delicious noodle bowl (pad Thai extra spicy) Ben calls and they are all at the duke.
11:00 I am at the duke and babara looks vaguely smug that she predicted I would be back that night which is not exactly like picking the Bills to win the superbowl. Ben Will Dean Katherine and Adam our out which is pretty fun but they all have to work save adam who has to do whatever he does so they are gradually replaced with dukey crowd and employees.
12:45 Dana is off from the moon and is heading to the midtown. I join her and am suprisingly joined by a bunch of co-workers and friends who usually avoid the midtown. The cab over is ok except that some guy I don't know is singing the whole time in the cab drivers ear. I am not sure If I can get addicted to cocaine just by sitting near someone but I edge away just in case (a cocaine habit is the last thing I need right now)
1:00 Erica is predictably long gone but some of her law friends are still around so that is cool. I only order one beer at last call (in addition to the full one I have) so we can put this night in the "moderation" category.
hmmm I cant decide if my day seems more or less crappy when laid out in timeline fashion.
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