Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Hey everyone I now have a cell phone so that is how you can get ahold of me if you have any spelling questions or if you are the second last person in the world to see kill bill II and want to take me to see it and buy me junior mints.

if you want my # or want to give me you #* then email me at lukepettigrew@yahoo.ca

In other news I qualified for monthly billing after the Fido credit check so somebody has seriously freaking dropped the ball on that one. I want to meet the person who doesnt pass the fido credit check they must be like those guys you here about who have two or three different families all in different cities who dont know about each other and then that guy declares bankupcy on all three of his houses and then is defaults on child support on all three of his families and then goes directly to fido and tries to get the 8000 monthly daytime min plan and they would be like "hmmmm we may have to put a small monitering system in place"

* I mean if you allready know me and are not just a random girl who wants to make out because my blog is so much better than dennis ben and adams**.

** you will notice that I didn't include miranda's blog in the list of blogs that I think mine is better than which was intentionally done because I feel that her blog is at least comparable to mine although different enough in format as to not lend the two towards definitive value judgment. What I am trying to say is that if you are a random girl who wants to make out with MIRANDA because her blog is so much better than Dennis Ben and Adams than by all means e-mail me and tell me all about that.

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