Thursday, April 22, 2004

Hey Blogfans

I apparently haven't entered anything in a month which would explain why the only people who visit my blog now are looking for instructions on how to make a beer funnel*. I have to go and buy yet another white shirt now but in case you dont know what is going on with luke

1. Ben and I are moving from trendy queen west to semi-annexy dupont/spadina on the 30th PLEASE HELP US MOVE

2. luke is no longer working at groovy and has started working at the duke of york. right now I am a pretty crappy server but I am optimistic that I will be passable within the month.

3. I think that I will be able to start exercising and writing regular entries again as soon as we get moved and I get into a routine at my new job**.

4. Good luck to all of my exam writing law friends. Remember that 5 years from now you wont remember or care what you got on these exams***

* For the record you attach a funnel to a plastic tube
** unless that routine involves drinking 7 pints of beer after every shift.
*** unless you do really crappy and it prevents you from getting a good articling position in which case freak the fuck out you will look back on this exam period 5 years from now as the pivotal moment when you blew it in life.

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