Tuesday, July 29, 2003

mabye I should go just so I can tell my children that I saw the rolling stones live...
I mean I wont get another chance and it would be somthing that I would concievably want to claim later on.
Like what if I chose not to go to woodstock because I was worried that there wasnt going to be a decent place to take a crap.

HMMM the question thus becomes should we do things we really dont want to do just so we can say we did them at a later time. If this is the case then I would argue that we risk turning our lives into a kind of rolling checklist of "things we want to accomplish before we die"
Well this initially seems like an ok thing and certainly going to do exciting new things instead of watching television or sitting in a pub drinking delicous beer is desirable, I also kind of feel like this also means you are doing things not out of desire for new experiences, but out of a fear of not accomplishing cliche things. Like if someone is sitting around thinking "man I really dont want to die before I have gone bungee jumping"- who freaking cares?

all told I think I am still not going to go to the concert. especially since I am moving tomorrow.

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