Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I think DRECK is bad...

"You need to blog about something more than this dreck. Maybe blog about bartending more. You really need some sort of hook that is absent now from this thing. I cannot emphasize this enough! "

this is the latest comment I have received and I have to say I kind of agree with this person whoever he or she might be.

When I started this blog in 2003 it was kind of because I was unemployed and I needed a way to not become stupid (didn't work by the way), and it was also kind of because my brother was starting one. I didn't think that anyone would read it and mostly people didn't unless they knew me. People liked my blog but really this was only for a few reasons.

Reasons people used to like my blog

1. They knew me so they could kind of imagine me speaking when reading the posts and that is funny
2. They knew me so they might be included in a post and everyone likes reading about themselves
3. there weren't a lot of blogs out there so it was kind of novel to read any blog

#3 is where the real problem comes from.

when I started in 2003 there were not that many blogs out there and if you click on this chart you can see how blogs have grown since my awkward initial 2003 posts.

soon it seems like we will pass the 100 million blog mark and it would seem that a good number of these blogs would stand to be way better and more interesting than mine.
In fact this is exactly what has already happened as we can now access clever informative funny interesting blogs from hookers, soldiers, athletes, politicians, otherskilledpeople etc.

The reason my blog is currently less entertaining to you is perhaps because you can only read so many post about being hungover but also because it has been made retroactively crappier by other superior blogs.

lets try to give my blog a "hook"


last night i worked on the floor
people asked for stuff and then I brought it to them
some of them were douchbags
after work I got drunk and hit on my co-workers

hmmm I might have to make that more compelling
I have to go to work
I hope someone pukes on me- that should make for great blogging later!!


Anonymous said...

how about talking about being a quizmaster and all the ladies you get from that

Anonymous said...

you kind of sound like a jerk...nice girls beware!

Anonymous said...

maybe add more emotion into it as well. Talk about how it feels being a bartender and the pathos/bathos.

Anonymous said...

Lukey, don't change for anyone. I love you just the way you are. xosugar

Anonymous said...

I would talk about trivia. Im pretty new to your nights but people seem to like you a lot. Maybe trivia gossip would be good.

Anonymous said...

how about writing... period. This lack of updates is no fun at all!