Sunday, September 10, 2006

eastbound and down

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Jeff Hewitt and Zoja Holman for their recent wedding.

I was there and it was fun if not a little tanked up towards the end. Maybe I will try to recap my wedding experience since it did involve a 9 day road trip to PIE.

Day 1 Friday:

11 am: good morning! We are scheduled to leave at 10:3am (I am not much of a planner so Ben and mark did the organizing), this is not a big deal to Ben and mark but clearly isn't appropriate for the bartenders on the trip. I ignore their rudeness in partially due to the excitement of taking a week off for the first time in 2 years.
Mark has rented a car and booked some of the hotel rooms for the trip and we are already in for $450 dollars each and we haven't left the house yet. Actually I am in for more than that not having left the house yet having had the foresight yesterday to send $250 dollars on travel necessities (books, magazines, snacks, movies, portable DVD players etc). We are looking at close to 45hrs driving in the next 9 days so I wanted to be prepared.

12 noon: we do manage to leave our house by 11:30 which is pretty good for an all grimsby trip. Speaking of grimsby whenever you take a road trip from grimsby or a similar not city location you pretty much just leave your house and are instantly rocketing towards your destination. Not so for Toronto originated trips for instance our trip where we had to drive across the city to parkdale to pick up marks luggage and then back across to the DVP and we have already been driving for well over an hour before we even leave Toronto. when you are staring a 20 hour drive in the face this extra hour seems particularily redundant

2 pm: we have been driving for a bit now and I am getting bored. This is the perfect time to pull out the portable DVD player but I am a little worried because Ben and mark are already annoyed at me for not having a drivers license and as irrational as it sounds I am sure that they are not going to be impressed that I will be watching movies the whole time.

2:01 pm: yep they are not impressed.

4 pm: prison break sucks I don't know why I watch it. I know this sounds unlikely but somehow schofields plan for breaking out of prison seems unnecessarily elaborate. How do they do that? How can I be watching prison break and think "man breaking out of prison cant be that hard..."
part of the problem is that scofield literally prances around the prison in pursuit of minute pieces of the prison break puzzle while somehow not just breaking out. If you can get a gaurds uniform to disguise yourself to get through the yard to break into the asylum to talk to your old cell mate so that you can.... what the crap just break out allready. If anyone is keeping track the TV series ranking now looks like this...


1. Sopranos: still I suppose the best although although less um watchable since they killed off adriana and seriously in danger of being surpassed by the next 4 seasons of...

2. Lost: what could lost possibly look like by season 4? hmm since each episode doubles the improbability of the previous episode and we are looking at another 50 episodes minimum I predict that season 4 of lost will feature each surviving character now being one kilometer tall exactly standing on their own planet (including a new planet which scientists have just discovered but jj abrahms already knew about somehow) and hurling moonbeams at each other. This does not include Walt who is actually infinity.

3. Office/arrested development: we are kind of apples to oranges here but I am jamming these in here so no one can accuse me of thinking that the office insanity clearly better than...

4. project runway: seasons 1 and 2 are fantastic and that is not just because I watch it exclusively between 3 and 4 am when I am well into my sleep meds. This is the pioneer of the new breed of reality shows in which the contestants can actually do something. Also season 1 featured Austin, a likeable young designer who was in a constant state of shocked hysteria. It took the camera people about half way through episode 1 to figure out that they should cut to Austin after any type of twist or drama is announced and they would be rewarded with an expression of wide eyed horror that would make the cast of The Descent blush. THEN then just when you think that no one can provide more emotionally fragile entertainment than Austin in season 1 Andrae comes along in season 2 and makes Austin look like Clint Eastwood. You should watch this.

5. Entourage: I have only seen a couple of episodes but they were good.

there it is TV fans the current top 5 my apologies to myth busters and the shield. No apologies to 24 and your 600 hours of repetitive tension although keefer comes in to the duke sometimes and he is a really cool guy.

ok so lets get even further off track and talk about the bills giving up a safety to officially blow their 10 point lead to the pats and start the freefall of hope for the season. Please bills return to glory.

also CONGRATULATIONS TO BRENDEN AND TASHA ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT I am surprised that Brendan was ready to take the plunge after just a whirlwind 9 year courtship but here we are. I actually remember Brendan setting up his apartment for their 2nd date. He had a conservative estimate 40 candles lit for their dinner. I honestly looked like he was preparing to ritually sacrifice her. lets go back to the trip...

5:30 pm: we stop for the night in Montreal. we are at a pretty nice hotel which marks dad has been nice enough to use points to get for us. you would think that we would do a bunch of crazy partying in montreal but we just kind of walk around and stop for drinks in various places. I manage to get pretty drunk or at least what i thought was pretty drunk at the time not knowing that my entire definition of the work drunk would soon be altered by the upcoming 3 days in halifax.

Speaking of drunk I have to go to work and then to the devestating 4am film fest last call at the fiddle later. i will try to continue this post later
also bills lose
also i think i am getting impetigo again GREAT!!! i wish it had a less disgusting name. i just sounds like somthing that was super vile in the late 19th century and then using modern medicine we banished it soundly except here we are in 2000 freaking 6 and i am getting it AGAIN i know i am a bartender but seriously it is someone elses turn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the congratulations Luke, we hope that you can come and celebrate with us!

Ta & B