Saturday, September 02, 2006

hey i changed the format of my blog so that there isnt that huge space before my post starts. also i made it everything i have ever written is all on the one page. there is a f load of blog entries in there I tried to read them all but it was too time consuming/embarressing. I sure used to swear a lot.
also email me if you are one of the 10 people who still read this thing and care if i have pics or not
untill i hear otherwise here is a pic of ben and ross who are standing next to me right now
if you look closely you can see that ben has a beard


Anonymous said...

pics are good

Anonymous said...

The best part is that Rosscoe is even uglier in person. And Ben managed to slide further into an abyss of filth. Well done fellas, congrats on now being Grimsby's finest specimens (aside from myself of course).