Wednesday, August 13, 2003

good morning blog fans!

I know it has been a few days since my last post so I apoligize if you have been checking every 10min for updates. I double apoligize if you have had to make due with ben or adam blog entertainment (or god forbid dennis blog entertainment).

anyway I have been super busy (by my standards of course- only medium vacationesque by regular standards)

as you know I was at the kick-ass windsor invitational golf tournament on the weekend. this was really fun except that I golfed like crap on saturday and aggresivly over-endulged in alchohol on both friday and saturday night.

highlights include:

1. From the lessons I will never learn file I supplimented my "as fast as possible" drinking speed friday night with 4 beer funnels and some bar shots and then was suprised when I got over-drunk. how can I tell when I am over-drunk? well if I am attepting to have free-style rap battles with Huether that may be a good indication.

2. I did not hit one good drive all day saturday. not one. chad was trying to give me helpfull advice like "perhaps if you werent swinging as hard as you can every time" and "aim for the golf ball instead of the turf 6 inches in front of it" . I dont know how I can swing so hard and have the ball travel so little. I must literally be catching less than 1 millimeter of ball surface each time. If my golf swing was an industrial machine it would involve using a crane and several steam turbine engines to make single paper clips.

3. Ben was even worse.
also he got a huge sunburn which made him look 6 times drunker saturday night. he also fell out of his chair when attempting to get up at the bar so I guess he didn't need that much asistance looking trashed.

4. Huether Golfed ok excpet he cant hit the ball when I am watching. This goes back to when he used to choke all the time when we competed in school.

5. my super rich engineer friends seemed to pick up everything and I still spent a million dollars.

6. also chad now owns 2 houses.

7. also matt has one of those new nissan 300Z sports cars with aggresive styling for the poorly endowed gentleman

8. Matt and I continued are ongoing Jack-ass game by smaking eachother super hard with those tiki-style mosquito torches. the game ended saturday when he hit me in the face with a plastic deck scar is actually suprisingly small.

9. Ray is now a full-blown toronto police constable. He says the best part of his job is the feeling of satisfaction he gets from helping people who cant always help themselves.

Just kidding or course he list the best part of his job as flying around downtown in his cruiser with the siron on.

Next up: Knox Classic in September

Thanks again to the organizers we had a kick-ass time

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